lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2007

Searches of 2007

Understanding what Internet users search on the Web is an important step in any SEO Manager. Luckily the search engines provide us with statistics of their searches. While they do not generate a trend, because there are searches that are permanent and others that happen to particular facts, know how the mass of Internet users moves gives us the opportunity to improve our Web, particularly our keywords . Lets view in this case the page that provides information for the most important searches that Google received: The results are divided by quarter. The searches which grew more; Globally and in the North American market.. In the first quarter, we see that the top 3 were: the Chinese New Year, Anna Nicole Smith and IRS (the official web site of the Department of Treasury of the United States). Here we see a clear example of how searches are classified : two are or appear searches recurring: The Chinese New Year occurs every year, the IRS is an Americna institution. Instead the search for Anna Nicole Smith was by the fact of his death. Sites related to the first two items should be clear that the purpose of optimizing their pages : should add keywords related to the Chinese New Year and the IRS. This is only the beginning of this analysis of Google Zeitgest.

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